San Francisco Senior Photography | Sutro Baths Styled Session

Several months ago, a fellow photographer friend and I were chatting about how we really wanted to do a shoot in the city. We both live about 1.5 hours away, so we don't get out there often. We decided to plan a fun day trip out there, found ourselves some awesome soon-to-be seniors, and off we went to explore!Right...that makes it sound SOO simple! What really happened was a little more hectic than that! I picked up my model Katie, and then the plan was to head to FedEx, where I was picking up a new lens to try out for the weekend. But the GPS lied! We were driving all over Petaluma for like 20 minutes...and I was running out of gas! Finally found it, found gas (whew!) and then get a call from my friend we were meeting that the hair and makeup artist thought it was scheduled for NEXT month and was over an hour away! So, after all that rushing, Katie and I decided we needed Jamba Juice ;) Ok, all better now!We headed into the city, found the Sutro Baths (it really is THAT amazing!) and found our friends with the other model and her Mom...and then checked out wardrobes and played games and laughed a LOT!The makeup artist arrived (she was so sweet to turn around from her day in Sonoma to save us!) and did an AMAZING job on both girls (in the parking lot, in the back of a SUV, no less!) and THEN we were ready!First we had to run up the street and check out this awesomely painted building!Then we walked back to a woodsy area, just above the baths...the trees and the slight wind made for some sweet shots :)And I couldn't help it, had to throw in some B&W, too...WOWZA!THEN...then came my favorite part of the day! We walked down the 3 million stairs to get to the Sutra Baths themselves. (ok, my favorite part was not the walking...but being at the bottom totally made the huffing and puffing worth it!)I mean, come ON!? We were so lucky to be able to borrow clothing from DRIFT Co and Katie really rocked it! I LOVE this shirt!I also brought along a flag scarf I've had for years, it was perfect as this was right before 4th of July...and the wind did its job ;)Let me tell you..I have heard the Sutro Baths were a popular place for photo sessions, but its no joke! There were people EVERYWHERE! Im shocked we got any photos of the girls alone!It was a long legs were so tired and I was SOOO hungry! But wow, it was worth it! A huge thank you to Janea Greene Photography (if you are in the Bay Area, check out her website...she is an amazing senior photographer!), Megan's Mom, who helped assist us all day, Katie C for hair and makeup, Mack Floral Design for the beautiful floral crowns and most of all, both of our amazing husbands for holding down the fort at home with our crazy kiddos so we could be gone all day (and night lol)! It definitely takes a village to put something like this together!