Tips for Engagement Photos at Castello Di Amorosa

If you are thinking about having your engagement session taken at this iconic castle, here are some tips for engagement photos at Castello Di Amorosa!

1- Schedule around the best light

Decide if you want to do your tasting first (maybe to help you relax a bit), or if you want to do your tasting after (so you don’t feel rushed). Then find out what time the sun sets on your scheduled date, Make sure you are ready for your session about 2 hours before the sun sets. The Castello is next to a hill, so the sun will start to disappear a bit earlier than in some other spots in Napa Valley. For example, if the sun sets at 5pm, you’ll want to be ready for photos around 3-3:30pm. This either means, set your tasting for around 1:45pm so you are done and outside by 3pm or so, OR make your tasting for 4:30pm so you can attend your tasting after your photos.

2- Pay for your photographer to enter the Castello

Although most photographers may not actually attend the tasting, this gets them inside the main walls…and there are so many fun spots to take photos! I believe the tasting fee is around $55.

3- Get dressed up!

This is the perfect time to try out Rent The Runaway, or wear that fancy dress or suit that you have been holding on to for a special occasion. The Castello is such an incredible backdrop, and adding some elegance into your planning will give the photos (and your confidence!) such a boost. If you are a prince or princess at heart, this is the time to let it shine!

**Side note- this session below was taken in late January, so you can see the vines are in their winter season.