Wedding Celebration at Chalkboard Restaurant | Healdsburg, California

When she first contacted me by email, due to her broken English and my very broken Spanish (at times like these I REALLY wished I had retained more of my Spanish lessons in school!), the message could have been mistaken for spam. I read it back and forth a few times and due to the fact that she mentioned locations in Healdsburg specifically, I decided to respond back. I am SO glad I did! What a wonderful wedding celebration at Chalkboard! The couple and family was a delight to work with! The groom was happy and ready to party, and the bride was so gracious. She repeatedly asked us if we needed anything to drink and what I needed for photos.They got married the day before in a simple ceremony in their home city, and then had family from all over the world congregate at Chalkboard for a festive celebration! The tables were decorated beautifully, and the music made it hard to stand still! Chalkboard has quite the outdoor space. I told my husband we will have to go back for dinner sometime! There are so many places in Healdsburg I have yet to try...what can I say, I tend to be more of a taqueria girl :) A cute little extra was the kids tables, and the kids were very happy to find their own spot as well!I think what I loved most was how willing the family was to pose for photos! At most weddings, understandably most guests put up with photos as an obligatory part of the day; this family seemed to line up eagerly! As the room filled more and more as guests arrived, I just kept happily snapping away!The brides brother and sister-in-law had flown in from Columbia, and we got to chat with them for a bit; we joked that they had seen more of the US than we had, as they have visited Florida on several occasions!Thank you so much for making my husband and I feel like family, and congrats to both of you!