North Tower Proposal at Castello di Amorosa

While I photograph a lot of proposals here, this North Tower Proposal at Castello Di Amorosa had a fun an unique twist!

William emailed me a few weeks before the proposal and asked if we could do things a little differently than having me hide, like I typically would. I was all ears! He explained that when he and Lauren met in high school and were on their first “date”, a friend asked if they were dating…they both looked at eachother slightly awkwardly and finally William took the lead and said “yes”. He thought an ode to that moment would be special, so when they came up to the North Tower, I acted like a tourist taking photos, and asked if they would like a photo with their phone. I then asked “Are you two married?” and while she gave me an awkward but sweet smile and said “no, not yet”, William got down on one knee! At first, she thought HE was joking! That quickly changed :)

It was so fun to have their family there to celebrate with- they were on the tour with them, and so it became quite the celebration as they Facetimed family who couldn’t be there, and I loved capturing all of Lauren’s blissful smiles!